CloudTech'16 Conference

CLOUDTECH 2015 is co-sponsored by IEEE

After the success of the three editions of The International Workshop on Mobile and Cloud Computing Technologies and Security, held successively in Rabat (2011), Agadir (2012) and Marrakesh (2013), we are proud to upgrade it as a plenary conference. CLOUDTECH'2015, International Conference of Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications will be held in Marrakesh on June 2-4, 2015.

Cloud computing has recently gained great attention from both academia and IT industry as a new infrastructure requiring smaller investments in hardware platform, staff training, or licensing new software tools. Cloud computing can be seen as any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, extends the Internet existing capabilities.

CLOUDTECH 2015 will address topics related to cloud technologies; architecture and applications including distributed computing and data centers, cloud infrastructure and its security, end-user services. The conference will provide a high-level, international forum for scientists, researchers, professionals and students who will have the opportunity to present state-of-the-art research results, address new challenges, and discuss trends in Cloud Technology and applications.

We invite the submission of original work that is related to the topics below. Topics are organized ( but not limited ) into six tracks as follow:

    Track 1 : Cloud Architectures and Applications

    Track 2 : Cloud Security and Privacy

    Track 3 : Cloud Energy Efficiency

    Track 4 : Datacenter and Big Data in Cloud

    Track 5 : Mobile & Social Cloud, Cloud Solutions and Applications

    Track 6 : Applications and Industrial Track

Keynote Speakers for Conference

Dr. Sandy Carter

Prof. Chunming Rong

Prof. Tarek El-Ghazawi

Prof. Erik Elmroth

Prof. Maria Fasli

Dr Andrew Harrison

Dr. Hugh Shanahan

Prof. Wissam Halabi


International Workshop on Big Data

3rd International Workshop on Vehicular Networks and Telematics (WVNT'15)


Social media and Cloud Solutions, given by Dr. Sandy Carter, IBM General Manager, Ecosystem Development and Social Business Evangelist and Author

Invited Sessions

Internet of Things and Cloud Computing

Conference Proceedings and Special Issues

