Tracks - CloudTech 2017
CloudTech 2017 will address topics related to cloud technologies; architecture and applications including distributed computing and data centers, cloud infrastructure and its security, end-user services, Big data and its applications. The conference will provide a high-level, international forum for scientists, researchers, professionals and students who will have the opportunity to present state-of-the-art research results, address new challenges, and discuss trends in Cloud Technology and Big data..
All accepted and presented papers will be considered for inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library and indexed by Scopus. Distinguished papers will be invited to be included within a number of special issues in prestigious international journals.
Track 1: Cloud Architectures and Applications
- Intercloud architecture models
- Cloud services delivery models, campus integration & “last mile” issues
- Networking technologies
- Programming models & systems/tools
- Cloud system design with FPGAs, GPUs, APUs
- Storage & file systems
- Scalability & performance
- Resource provisioning, monitoring, management & maintenance
- Operational, economic & business models
- Green data centers
- Computational resources, storage & network virtualization
- Resource monitoring
- Virtual desktops
- Resilience, fault tolerance, disaster recovery
- Modeling & performance evaluation
- Disaster recovery
- Energy efficiency
Track 2: Cloud Services and Applications
- Cloud services models & frameworks
- Cloud services reference models & standardization
- Cloudpowered services design
- Business processes, compliance & certification
- Data management applications & services
- Application workflows & scheduling
- Application benchmarks & use cases
- Cloudbased services & protocols
- Faulttolerance & availability of cloud services and applications
- Application development and debugging tools
- Business models & economics of cloud services
Track 3: IoT and Mobile on Cloud
- IoT cloud architectures & models
- Cloudbased dynamic composition of IoT
- Cloudbased contextaware IoT
- Mobile cloud architectures & models
- Green mobile cloud computing
- Resource management in mobile cloud environments
- Cloud support for mobilityaware networking protocols
- Multimedia applications in mobile cloud environments
- Cloudbased mobile networks and applications
Track 4: Big Data and applications
- Machine learning
- Data mining
- Approximate & scalable statistical methods
- Graph algorithms
- Querying & search
- Data lifecycle management
- Frameworks, tools & their composition
- Virtualization for big data on cloud
- MapReduce with cloud for big data processing
- Big data storage, integration, service, mining
- Big data security issues in cloud computing
- Big data privacy in cloud computing
Track 5: High Performance Computing in/with the Cloud
- Load balancing
- Middleware solutions
- Scalable scheduling
- HPC as a Service
- Programming models
- Use cases & experience reports
- Cloud deployment systems
- TCO analysis Cloud vs HPC
Track 6: Distributed Cloud / Cloud Brokering / Edge Computing
- Distributed Cloud Infrastructure
- Cloud federation & hybrid cloud infrastructure
- Utility Computing (UC)
- Cloud Brokering Problem
- Edge Computing infrastructure
- Cloudlets
- Fog Computing Systems
Track 7: Security and Privacy
- Cloud-centric Mobile security
- Security for emerging cloud programming models
- Cloud-delivered security services
- Cryptographic protocols for cloud security
- Cloud threat/attack/vulnerability models
- Security, integrity and privacy for Cloud Computing
- Reliability, Fault Tolerance, Quality-of-Service
- Trust and policy management in the Cloud
- Secure Identity Access Management
- New standards, guidelines, best practices for security and privacy in the Cloud
- Security risk models for cloud computing
- Legal issues in the Cloud
- Incident Response in the Cloud
- Cloud Security
- Accountability & audit
- Authentication & authorization
- Cloud integrity
- Cryptography for & in the cloud
- Hypervisor security
- Identity management & security as a service
- Prevention of data loss or leakage
- Secure, interoperable identity management
- Trust & credential management
- Trusted computing
- Usable security
Track 8: Cloud Energy Efficiency
- Service Level Agreements and Performance Measurement
- Energy-aware computing and communications
- Energy-efficient networking and computing infrastructures
- Energy-aware resource allocation and scheduling mechanisms
- Green materials and devices designs
- Usage of renewable energy for green ICT operation
- Cross-layer optimization of green networking infrastructures
- Life-cycle analysis of computing equipment
- Energy harvesting, storage, and recycling
- Climate and ecosystem monitoring
- Energy-efficient data center and cloud technologies
- Green computing models, simulations, designs, and paradigms